How could a child as cherubic as this bring me to my psychological knees with her words?
Her new past time is to publicly point out attractive and unsuspecting men to me and loudly ask:
"Mommy, Mommy, Is That MY DADDY?!"
Twice this week she put the fear of child support in the heart of unsuspecting 'daddies' as she calls all men over the age of 12.
She adores her actual Daddy and misses him when he is at work. Maybe she is hoping I will take the bait and leave her to have her daddy all to herself.
Nice try little girl, nice try.
This was followed up today with her breaking the news to her uncle that his childhood cat was put to sleep.
That's right, the 2 year old told her 25 year old uncle "I have something sad to tell you, Oliver was sick and Died...she HAD TO DIE DIE DIE".
I fumbled for the phone to explain, but it turns out he understood completely.
love your blog! your show no mercy tot is at it again, just so you have stuff to think about when you are awake at night. It's important that she help her baby brother break you of you bad habit of sleeping at night. Condolences on sad loss of cake-eating cat...
LOL! That is too much!
Sure makes me wonder what I'm in for with my own chatter box.
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