Monday, April 02, 2007

ode to my lost voice

I have made it out alive
Just hoping for the best
I never thought I would survive
what I really need is rest

mommying with out a voice
with a toddler and a babe
If given this or that choice
I say, take an afternoon in the shade (okay it doesn't *really* rhyme, give a mama a break)

When a mommy whispers stop! the toddler tantrums on
it takes lots of sounds like shhhst!! until the moment is now gone

whaaaah whaaaah whaaaah cries the babe with the ear infection
Today I learned you can use a silent puppet to gain his affection

with toys all around me
I am brewing some tea
dreaming Ive been sent to the sanatorium, to recover by the sea

big daddy better come home quick, groceries in his possession
So now I can move on to my latest obsession

laying on my living room floor, like we have rented a suite
watching my new cable tv, having something to eat.

little voice where have you gone...hurry home once more
because this mama is SO DONE and I need to talk at the family I adore.


Unknown said...

ok, this may sound very odd, but I just noticed bubandpie's comment at HBM's post today and it sounds like you have what she had...her symptom list predicts bad headache in your future, I hope it's not so, or just that it ends quickly.
poetry, it's a cure all.

Domestic Slackstress said...

I'm sooo done right along with you. I wish I could sprawl out on the floor with some ice cream in front of your cable-spruced TV. Pass the popcorn. I'm cooked. Thanks for your recent visit :) Hang in there. Sooo feelin' you on this. Keep your chin up and don't forget child's pose. It's really for moms!

Domestic Slackstress said...

BTW, I'm jealous. I don't have cable. Only those out-dated rabbit ears that you slap on top of your TV to weed out the fuzzies from PBS.

Mama Sarita said...

what's with the cyber mama flu?!! I should at least get to enjoy the actual company of other bloggers if Im going to catch their cooties!!

Ah the cable tv...It almost warrents a post of its own. How far we have fallen. Its been an incremental fall from grace in our household. First it was the rabbit ears for the first 3 years of our marriage...then the pirated cable from prior tenants...back to rabbit ears...a brush with satellite sloth vision for 10 months at my parents house....back to life line onto more slothy cable with on demand and the sprout and noggin package.

Let me just say, noggin has saved my ass this week. We are pretty much a week straight of on demand go diego go, miffy, and jacks big music show. If the sun should ever decide to reveal itself to new england I hope that it won't be 3 weeks of freak outs to shake the jingles out of everyone's heads...that and acclimating themselves to our real reality know, playing. It isn't technically playing to shuffle toys around slack jawed in front of the tv...

But I digress.

NotSoSage said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, please don't tell me that we're passing human viruses to each other over the blogosphere. It's bad enough that we're (some of us) cycling together!

Looking forward to coming back for more "deleriously bad" poetry. I love your profile photo. You look a lot like a very close friend of mine.