Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Our living room suite is, like, so last week

Just before we all got sick I posted about our new idea for sleep. It was so creative and great. Anything for more sleep, right?

I'm so over it.

It may have something to do with the fact that sick children have been coughing and wiping their snot on my pillow. Maybe the problem is that we stopped breaking the big living room bed down since we were all laying around all day. Leaving it up means that errant O's and crumbly bits of toddler funk have made their way to the place I like to sleep. How about my almost 3 year old running across it with her wet shoes on? You get the idea. It was starting to feel like a family of rats lives here. No matter if I changed the sheets, having all that kid activity happening in my 'bed' just killed the 'living room five star hotel suite' fantasy I had going on.

And here it sits...starring me down 'you know you want to take a nap...they *are* both sleeping...what's a few O's and bed peppers?'
(bed peppers=unknown sandy stuff at the end of your bed when it has been much too long between sheet changings)

I just.can't. do. it. little man puppy is sleeping in his crib in our room...diva child is sleeping in her room. That leaves the funky family nesty thing that I now believe is talking to me, or the couch...or tea and blogging.

ah...sleep is overrated anyway.


Life As I Know It said...

ah, yes sleep is overrated. Just think of all the blogging and tea drinking you could be doing instead...

NotSoSage said...

funny how those great ideas turn out, in the end, to be very. very. bad.


yes, blogging is a far superior activity to sleep, isn't it? or is that just another sign that my brain is mush?

Unknown said...

are you better yet? I just can't take it anymore!