Monday, April 02, 2007

So here are the stats

Yesterday I woke up feeling like such complete crap that I was afraid of today, Monday morning. My husband works a lot of hours and is working on his Masters as well. Monday is the marathon day in which he leaves well before 7 and gets home well after 8...rendering him useless to me in regards to parenting of any kind.

There have been ads running here for the MinuteClinic. I was all on my 'health care is so bad in America now that we are openly admitting that we can't get in to see our primary care physician when we are ACTUALLY sick bla bla bla bla bla" high horse. I swore (when I was feeling perfectly well) that hell would freeze over before I would go to see the McDoctor.

Well, Sunday morning at about 8 am my attitude was rapidly changing. Much like when it is 6 pm and somehow I am driving around with two hungry children and I end up tossing french fries back at them while I make my way home from a long day of whatever.

It has been a long while since I have been this sick. The idea of dragging my sorry sick self to the Ped office today then to my MD...All of the phone calls and busy signals at 9 am...

I googled Minute Clinic. In network with my insurance...a 20 buck co-pay on a Sunday. I was so there!

So I have: Bronchitis, a sinus infection, pink eye, and now laryngitis. I None what so ever.

Enough about me, the kids are really worse off. We took them to see their ped yesterday afternoon. I LOVE them. I really really love them.

Diva child, who was not very diva like all weekend is miserable. She has pink eye in both eyes with copious amounts of eye snot, bronchitis, and really sadly not her spunky self. By the time we got home from the ped and pharmacy, she was begging to go to bed. No dinner, just begging for sleep. She has never asked to go to bed ever. It is now almost 8 am and I can count on one hand the times she has slept this late.

Baby boy, has bronchitis, an ear infection, and the last sputters of pink eye. He is much better save the fact that he has mistaken me for a human sippy cup and his blankie. He literally had to 'sleep' (if we can loosely call what it was we were doing last night sleep) on me intermittently nursing. He has to be feeling pretty bad as that has never been his habit for an entire night.

We are an attractive bunch! Wish me all the luck in the world as I whisper no no's and hey, stop swiping toys, and look out! That will hurt baby!

My husband has yet to succumb to the scourge, but he woke up with a scratchy throat. We shall see if he stays all big daddy manly man on me and goes to work through it all, hacking on everyone in his group of cubicles.


Unknown said...

eek! If you'd wanted to give up talking to you kids for Lent you could have done it weeks ago! Yuck, so sorry and wish I could say more, probably you do too!

HomeGrownLife said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sickness. I know how tough a day can be without feeling sick yourself. I am really enjoying your honesty in this blog (especially about tossing french fries to your children!)

Beck said...

That sounds awful. I can't understand the American medical system, but I'm glad you guys got the treatment you needed.